Thursday, December 29, 2016

10 Things Most Brides Forget & How not to!

With all you have to think about, and make decisions on ,your bound to forget something. Even the best of us tend to let thing slip by. As always we are going to tell you to hire a wedding planner to help keep you on track and make sure you don't forget anything. 😊
Here is a general guide that we compiled over the years of brides calling last minute asking for guidance and help.

  1. Marriage License- This one of the most important parts of making it official. Bring it to the rehearsal with you typically the officiant will keep it or give it to your wedding planner.

      2.  Vendor Meals & Bridal Party! - This is one of the most common things couples forget! You have invited everyone, checked off the RSVP's, created the perfect seating chart, counted and recounted, now you give the final number to the caterer and wait it doesn't add up! They have more guests then you do... You forgot the vendors and the bridal party! Sure you knew they would be there and figured they would eat but forgot to add them in! Also remember, Vendor meals are typically less then guest meals.

   3. Favors, no they are not required, but they are a nice touch and guests do appreciate them. Just don't make it an afterthought. You don't need to spend a lot, chocolates or pastries on each table at the end of the night with mini to go boxes are a great idea, consider donating to a charity on behalf of your guests. Plan on at least two months before your wedding having your favors decided on.

   4. Cake Knife/Toasting Flutes- Although you may not want to purchase these items because it's not your thing, you still need to think about it. How embarrassing would it be when you go to toast and there is no glasses, or cut the cake and there is no knife. Many venues "assume" you have something, they don't typically ask because not everyone has them. If you don't have your own make sure at your final meeting with the venue/caterer if they have ones you can use, they usually do.

   5. Guestbook & Pens- This is often forgot simply because many couples don't like the guest book in general. The good news is, there are so many creative ways you can remember all your guests that made your wedding day so special. Getting a photobook from your photographer they can sign, have something made from wood have the guest sign it with well wishes have it sealed after and you have a beautiful piece to display. This is something you want to plan 3-6 months prior to the wedding depending on how complex you get. :) Pinterest has some great ideas too!

   6. Extra Invitations/Save the Dates- This is something many couples don't think about until the photographer asks for a set. Keep an extra copy of your Save the Date, Invitation Suite, any Rehearsal invites etc. Your photographer and Videographer can use them for some pretty great shots and its also nice keepsake to have and look back on.

Your married now off to the honeymoon, you don't want to look like this couple do you?

     7. Tech Chargers- Seems like a no brainer right? Nope, your waiting in the airport looking at wedding photos posted by your friends and you see low battery, but no charger! Yes, you could go to one of the stores in the airport or train station, but why pay when you have extra home!  I have a portable charge in my purse it's small and easy to carry!

      8. Passports & Identification-  At least 6months prior to the wedding make sure you have all your travel documents, Id and passports, make sure they are not expired. Double check with the Airline, Cruise line  or your Travel Agent and make sure you have everything you need.  Put them in a folder, or zip lock and keep them out where you won't forget them.

       9. Thank-you notes-  Your back to reality, unpacking, back to work, weeks go by, months go by and you mom asks if you have all your Thank you notes done!! Don't panic...yet, you have two months after your wedding to send them out. Remember to send an extra special thank you to the parents and bridal party, and anyone else who helped you put everything together, even the vendors!  

10. Online Reviews- You sent your thank you notes your done right? All of the people who helped you and worked so hard to make your wedding day all that it could be are often forgotten, simply because they received a tip and or a thank you card in the mail. The BEST thank- you you can give a vendor is an honest review online and email follow up. Not only does this help them with future business, but it is the only way vendors can continue to improve the level of service they provide to future brides. Feed back is very important. Try to review your vendors within six months of the big day.

We hope this was helpful, again many of these things you don't you will forget, my suggestion is to add these things to your To-Do list now. As always if you want to reach out to us for your wedding planning needs visit our website at

Friday, August 26, 2016

Your Engaged Now what?

So many things running through your mind, when should we get married, where? Who should I have in my Wedding Party, what colors? The list goes on and on....

Take a Deep Breath! Go out on a date with your fiancé and enjoy the moment together, everything will come together, unless your planning a wedding in 6 months there is no reason to rush. Over the next few weeks you can tell family and friends maybe plan a engagement dinner and tell everyone together. Once all the excitement has calmed down (just a bit) you can start the planning.

12+ Months Before

Set a Budget

Think about what you want your wedding to be, Formal, Casual, Large, Small, indoor, outdoor, once you have an idea what you and your fiancĂ© would like, figure out how much you think you can spend, are the parents helping or is it all on you two? If your getting help, rather then just excepting money put that money towards something particular, the DJ, The photos, etc.. that way your families will feel they really contributed and you can rest knowing that one of the vendors are taken care of.  

Get Organized
Now you need to decide if you would like to hire a Wedding Planner, this is one of the best investments you can make ( I am not just saying that because this is my business), if you have time to make phone calls, read emails, visit venues while working fulltime, going to school or maybe you have kids then great, but if this is just too much and you want guidance we can be your best friend! So if your going to do the majority of the planning get organized, use a binder and get folders or get a flex folder that has it all in one, make your tabs, Venues, florists, Music, Etc. keep your notes proposals and samples all together and with you at all times, you never know when your going to be out and see something and you don't have your samples to match it to!

Set the Date
When selecting a date, keep in mind, the Weather, Sunset times, School start dates and Holidays. November through March are considered Off Season so rates tend to be lower, April-October are Peak Season and higher rates apply. Look at a Friday wedding discounts are available with most venues. Also consider a afternoon wedding to get a lower rate. Which ever date and time you pick, make sure you have a backup date. If you fall in love with a venue and they don't have your date your back to square one trying to plan.

Prepare your Guest List
Yup you need to start thinking about that now, you have to have an idea how many guests your going to have so you can find a venue that will accommodate your list large or small and of course for budgeting. Since this is just a preliminary list cushion it incase you forget a few people.

Look and Book Your Venue
Venues book quick so make this a priority. Try to visit them while they are setting up for an event so you can see how it will look, see the staff they have working there. Make sure they offer you a tasting if they are providing the food and when you can set one up.
Start to think about who you are going to ask, just keep in mind not EVERYONE you know has to be in the wedding. You can have people close to you do a reading, be an usher, make a toast or ask them to make or do something special forth wedding so they are still included.

You want to spread the word once you have your date and some details set. This is usually a small intimate party for family and close friends.

Also at this point you want to start dress shopping and ordering dresses can take 3-6 months sometimes longer. Also if you think you may need them apply for or renew your passports there is no telling ho long these will take.

8-10 Months Before
Order your gown if you have not done so, then you need to start getting your Bridal Party attire ordered. They don't take as long but you can not control things either, anything can happen with dye lots, backorders so be proactive!

Weather your making them or ordering them get them ordered and sent out, especially if you have out of town guests they need to make travel arrangements.

Research, interview and Book your vendors. This is the most time consuming and can be most frustrating part. You will need patience (or a Wedding Planner, LOL) You will be playing phone tag, emailing for a while before you can set u a time to meet the vendors. You should interview at least three from each category before making a decision.

Make Hotel and transportation reservations for you and your out of town guests. Hotels will give you blocks and a discounted rate. Be courteous to your guests and have at least two options with different prices. As for transportation, there are many Taxi companies that will work with hotels and give you discounted rates to get your guests to and from the reception safely.

Depending on your venue you may need to rent tables, chairs, linens, check with them first BEFORE booking. This should be done now to ensure you have everything you need.

6-8 Months

Time to order your invitations out. Make sure you order extra for any errors or again guests you may have missed.

Register for your gifts
By now your family and friends are planning a shower time to register. Just because your living together doesn't mean you don't need things. Who doesn't like new towels, sheets. You can also register for wedding items, Cake Knife Server, Toasting Glasses.

Start researching your airfare, hotels and of course location. I suggest going to a travel agent, unless you already know where and when they can do the leg for you and the fees are minimal.

4-6 Months Before
If your getting married in a church or even having a religious ceremony check to see if your required to have pre-marriage counseling or classes.

All of your vendors should be booked by now if not, get this done chances are its going to be harder to find someone this close.
Should be shopping for their attire
Select the rehearsal dinner time and location, if sending invites get those done now as well. Keep it simple, and keep the list to Wedding Party and dates/Spouses, Parents and Grandparents.

3 Months Before 

Cake Anyone?
Time to order your cake and or desserts. YUM! Keep in mind if you do a cake make it a flavor you know everyone will like. You do not want to take home a lot of cake, or even worse pay for it and it has to be thrown away because no one ate it. Think about Cupcakes you can get a variety of flavors and guests can take it home.

Mail out the invitations, also remember to order extra postage invitations will use a regular stamp and usually a twenty cent. Plus the response envelope needs a stamp!

 If they haven't done so order their attire. Plan the Bachelor Party

Finalize our look with jewelry, Veil and accessories f not already done. Plan your Bachelorette Party.

2 Months Before

 Complete all your Vendor Tasks
List of photos for your photographer, Song list and line up for Dj/Emcee Vows and ceremony outline to Officiant, Floorplan/Seating Chart for Venue.
Hair and Makeup Trials for Bride

Create your day of Time line for vendors/Wedding Party

1 Month Before
Get your marriage license! States do vary, but make sure you have proof of identification, social security card, if there is a divorce you may need those papers.

Schedule your final fitting and bring two people who will be in charge of your bustle.

2 Weeks Before
Finalize your RSVP's contact anyone you have not heard from. Complete your Seating chart
Bride, final Haircut and Color (nothing drastic!)

1 Week Before
Give Venue the final head count, remember vendors count, under 21 and kids.
Call all vendors and confirm details and times they will be arriving
Create a list for the Venue of all your Vendors include a good contact phone number.

Mani/Pedi's for the Wedding Party

2-3 Days Before
Make sure your Dress is pressed wear your shoes the next few days break them in.
You and groomsmen pick up Attire make sure it fits

If you have not decided on the order in which everyone will walk down the aisle, get this done and to your officiant, if you don't have a wedding planner they will run the rehearsal.

Hand over any décor or set up items to person in charge. If your lucky enough to be able to drop the items off the day before do it than.

Deliver any welcome bags to hotels

Day Before
Write out any last minute payments and gratuities to vendors. Place in envelope and give to someone to distribute day of.

At rehearsal, bring all ceremony décor and reception décor and give to the designated person (s)

At Rehearsal dinner present bridal party and parent with gifts

Go home drink plenty of water and rest!

Only a few things to do! Then you can marry your best friend!

Present your gift to him, have your Maid if Honor meet the best man and give it to him. 
Make sure your designated person(s) is taking care of your setup

Have a Mimosa and Relax!


We have created a Bridal Planning Guide in a short printable version, if you would like one please email us at

Friday, July 8, 2016

Budget Planning!

So your engaged! How Exciting!! You have so many idea's in your head, most you have been thinking about for a long time, now to make it happen! Start making calls, getting numbers and information and then at the end if the week your like AHHHHHH!!!! What do I do with all this?

STOP !!!!

Lets go back a few steps! Start the planning process off right and keep on track and within budget! Enjoy being engaged and then when you start to come off cloud 9 you can start planning your budget.

  • I recommend you and your fiancĂ© sitting down and writing out everything you BOTH want for your wedding, YES this includes, rings, honeymoon, attire....EVERYTHING weather or not you think it's in budget.

  • Go back over the list and prioritize your list number them from most important to the least important. Is the DJ/Band more important over the Photobooth or are the Peonies  more important over the Signature Cocktail?

  • Start doing your research, better yet call a wedding planner! :) When you call the vendors be as specific as you can with what you want so you know you are getting a accurate quote. If you just call and say hoi what are your prices and not engage in a conversation (fear of being bothered later) your getting a ballpark and that price will not be the same if you decide to book them later on.

  •  Once you have your pricing down time to start comparing the numbers and looking to see what you can cut where. Your venue typically eats up a large portion of your budget. Remember your there to celebrate your marriage and have fun, having too much food can add additional cost's, and cut into dance time!  Think about a Friday Wedding you save at least 10%  with most venues. When talking to your florist you can still have that Peony, but maybe just a few here and there, and substitute with Garden Roses. There are many ways to cut cost's while still getting the things you really want. If you really want a Band over a DJ have a trio for your ceremony/ and cocktail hour and a DJ for reception you get best of both worlds and still less expensive.

  • Now you have the vendors and the Pricing you want, it's time to finalize the contract and  book them before your date is gone!

  • All your vendors are booked and you can start doing the fun stuff like dress and accessory shopping, just make sure your keeping your budget in check and on track with the payments you need to send out. Keep a reminder in your phone, on your computer or a list on your refrigerator. 

Budget planning is the least fun of the wedding planning process but it is important. The average cost of a wedding based on 100-150 guests is 15k. This is not to say you can't do it for less but it is something to think about. When inviting you guests remember this, if you haven't spoken to them in like 3 years or haven't seen them in like 5 years they do not need to be on your "A" list put them on the secondary list as a possibility if you can add more to you list. Keep in mind Venues are $74.00 Plus plus per person, I think it's best to figure $ 100 per person when budgeting.

So that's Budget Planning 101, if your not budget savvy call a wedding planner and let them do the research for you save's you time and money!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Wedding Planner vs Venue Coodinator

Do you know the difference between a “Wedding Planner” and a “Venue Coordinator”? 

If not (or maybe you think you do), stay tuned to learn more about each of them.

Many brides and grooms think that they’re one in the same and believe that hiring a Wedding Planner whilst the venue provides their own coordinator is essentially paying for the same service twice.  This is entirely inaccurate!  The Wedding Planner and the Venue Coordinator each have their own job descriptions, purpose, and involvement on your wedding day.  The difference is that the Venue Coordinator works for the venue and supports their interests.  The Wedding Planner works for you – the Bride and Groom.

The Wedding Planner

The role of the Wedding Planner is to ensure your wedding runs smoothly and exceeds your expectations.  Planners offer various levels of service and are likely to have planned most, if not all, of the elements of your wedding day from start to finish.

You can hire a wedding planner right from the start – sharing your vision for your dream wedding.  The planner then steps into action with an exact idea of the logistics and style of your wedding.  For the bride and groom, this means there is someone on hand throughout the process who knows every detail about your wedding day.  So while you’re off getting married, you and your family can relax and enjoy every moment knowing that you have a planner ensuring every aspect of your day will be executed to perfection.

A Wedding Planner will be onsite and accessible on your Wedding Day from early morning until the last vendor has dismantled and departed the venue.  The planner will double (and triple check) that everything is just as you had envisioned – from the place settings to the lighting to those always entertaining toasts from the Best Man and Maid of Honor, and everything in-between.  Your planner handles the details and timings ensuring that everything runs according to schedule and plan.

The Wedding Planner is always prepared and can make sure that if anything goes wrong, they have the answer for it.  They come prepared for any potential mishap.  From those ever important vendor contact details to emergency sewing kits and breath mints, your planner will make sure there is never a need for panic.

The Venue Coordinator

The Venue Coordinator is usually the individual that responds to your initial inquiry and provides a tour of the venue.  Their role is part salesperson, ambassador for the venue, and point of contact between the couple and the on-site operations team.

The Venue Coordinator is responsible for all aspects of your wedding day that are specific to the venue.  Examples include drawing up the contract, organizing and scheduling the menu tastings, and monitoring all payments.  Once you’ve confirmed your wedding date, you will have little to no contact with them until a month or two before your wedding to sort out the logistics for your wedding day.

On the actual wedding day, their responsibility is to ensure the venue is set up correctly, your vendors adhere to their rules and that your refreshments and wedding breakfast are served correctly.  Many venue coordinators leave after the main meal has been served, perhaps leaving an operations manager or banquet manager in charge.

If you’re having a multi-venue wedding, your Wedding Planner and their team(s) will work together to set up each venue and coordinate transportation between them – something your in-house Venue Coordinator (who is tied to their specific venue) will be unable to do.
Regarding vendors, if you ask a Venue Coordinator for recommendations on a caterer, bakery, florist, music, etc., you will find that they will likely suggest someone from their own recommended list.  Unbeknownst to you, these are most likely vendors who have paid to be on their list or who work on a commission basis.  This is not true with all Venues, most refer vendors they are comfortable with and haven been working with over the years. So, you may not really be getting an honest referral based on someone’s merits or experience.
By contrast, Wedding Planners invest their time to build up a network of trusted vendors who they can call upon.  Not only will the Wedding Planner be personally acquainted with their work, but they’ll also tailor their vendor recommendations based on your budget, wedding style and personality.  This will ensure that you have a team of wedding professionals that we know will deliver superior service at the best value all within your budget.

Now that you’ve learned the difference between the role of the Wedding Planner and the role of the Venue Coordinator, you may now be wondering if the Wedding Planner is a wise and costly addition to your wedding.  As previously stated, the Wedding Planner works for you – the bride and groom.  They are well-versed in sourcing services through tough negotiations on your behalf.  We ensure that you get the most bang for your buck and pass on any savings from preferential rates to our valued clients.  As such, the Wedding Planner can save you not only time, but also money.
The Venue Coordinator may seem like a ‘free wedding planner’, but actually, they don’t have nearly as close a relationship or as deep an involvement as a Wedding Planner would have.  They are answerable to the venue and less able to offer discounts or other opportunities for savings.
There are many Venue Coordinators who are outstanding and go above and beyond to ensure their clients have their perfect wedding day and are a joy for the Wedding Planner to work alongside.  Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that the Wedding Planner is yours from the moment you’re engaged till you leave for your honeymoon.  On the other hand, the Venue Coordinator is more likely to be available during set office hours during the planning phase of your wedding and for a limited time on your actual wedding day.
In conclusion, the difference between a Wedding Planner and a Venue Coordinator simply comes down to the fact that a Wedding Planner has a greater vested interest in every aspect of your wedding because we are working for you.

At Your Day Your Way, our goal as Wedding Planners is to make sure everything, up to and including the day of your wedding, not only runs smoothly, but is stress-free.  This allows you and your family to relax, enjoy your engagement as well as your Wedding Day!
As previously explained, a Wedding Planner can help you from the very beginning - from budget planning, creating your design and color scheme, to the all-important Vendor selection (for example, the
venue, caterer, florist, entertainment, transportation – you name it!)  This saves you time while also keeping you within budget.  I’ve had so many brides share that they had been contacting vendors on their lunch break or between work and school only to be forced to leave a message and wait for a return call – which, of course, happens when you can’t answer the phone.  A wedding planner can make all of the phone calls and handle all the details, while keeping you involved throughout the planning process.
In addition to the wedding planning packages we offer, we also provide “Day-Of” services.  As your Wedding Planner, we know what you envision for your wedding day and will execute it to perfection.  Many couples have proclaimed that they have family and friends that can (and want to) help with the setup of the dĂ©cor at the venue or church, and the bride and groom can “get themselves down the aisle”.  At Your Day Your Way, we want you, your family, and friends to enjoy your wedding day without the stress.  We have an expert team that can handle all the details.  We also make sure your vendors arrive on time and are set up.
Have a loose button?  Is your hem falling out?  We have that emergency sewing kit ready to go.  Need a Band-Aid, Tylenol or ibuprophin?  We have the emergency medical kit as well.  Whatever your last-minute needs, we are here for you.
Your Day Your Way takes the planning off your shoulders, but never out of your hands!  Let us handle the time-consuming details so you can enjoy being engaged!
Like most vendors, we vary in price.  Do your research.  Look at how long they have been in business.  Read their reviews.  Meet with the Wedding Planner.  You want to hire a Wedding Planner that you’re comfortable with – if you can’t meet them face-to-face, talk with them over the phone.  Don’t just look at their web site and decide they are not for you.  Just because they are Popular or Expensive doesn’t mean they are the right Wedding Planner for you.
  Congratulations on your engagement and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you to plan your dream wedding.

Friday, June 10, 2016

                                                        The Bridesmaids Dress!

So many brides stress over finding that perfect dress for their bridesmaids,especially when they are all different body types! 
Manufacturers are hearing you! Now you can get one style dress made multiple ways! Look at this picture below... 
These dresses are amazing and flatter each girl accordingly.


What you want to remember is keep the materials the same, if you choose Chiffon for one it's the same for everyone. If you are going to mix styles keep the colors the same as well, now there is one exception; your MOH. She can have a slightly lighter or darker color or even a different shade if it works with your palette, look at this photo. 

These girls all have the same style dress but the MOH is in the accent color. Beautiful! 

The only time is it acceptable to "Mix & Match" your styles and colors, is for am outdoor, Shabby Chis, Barn, Country or Antique theme. Check out this Barn Theme and Shabby Chic Bridal Party Photo's

Can you mix the colors and still not have it look like a prom..YES! Take a look! 

Length- Yes please keep the length the same the ONLY exception is the MOH again, she can have a long dress and the others can go Tea-length or Cocktail but that is it. 
This is a photo of What NOT to do. 

There are many manufactures now doing same dress with various style tops so consider this especially if you have different body shapes and sizes. 
As for the pricing that is a very personal decision, but do keep your bridesmaids comfort in mind  and also can they wear the dress again, if it's long can it be cut down, can you easily transform the dress to wear for another occasion?

Keeping all these things in mind will keep you stress free and your bridesmaids happy and comfortable, which makes for pretty pictures! 

Dresses above from: